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Below you will find accompanying activity pages and coloring pages for each series of lessons.

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Part 1:
The Pentateuch

Genesis - Deuteronomy

The Bible was originally written in two different languages. The Old Testament was writting in Hebrew, and the New Testament was written in Greek.


The books of the Hebrew Bible are separated into three categories: Torah (Teaching), Nevi'im (Prophets), and Ketuvim (Writings). Some people take the first letter of these three Hebrew words and call the Hebrew Bible the Tanakh.


The books in the Tnakh are the same books in what Christians call the Old Testament, but the order is different. Moreover, the three categories (Teaching, Prophets, and Writings) don't nearly line up with the way most Christians think of the books and divisions of the Old Testament. To avoid confusion, then, our sections will stick with the more familiar categories: Pentateuch, History, Poety, and Prophets.


The first five books of the Bible were written by Moses and are sometimes called the Torah, which, as we've seen, means "teaching" or "law". The other name for Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy is the Pentateuch.


If we are going to make sense of the storyline of the Bible, we must take time to understand how the story begins. Knowledge of the Pentateuch is essential for being mature, biblically literate Christians. In the first five books of the Bible we discover not only how the universe came into being, how we came into being, and how sin entered the world, but we also learn about God's plan to set His people free and set them on a path of obedience and blessing.


Many of the Bible's most famious stories can be found in the Pentateuch. In this first part we will work through twenty different Bible stories. Our aim is to understand and enjoy these amazing stories, but also to understand how each story fits in with the Biggest Story.

Genesis 1-2
And So It Begins

Genesis 10-11
A Table and a Tower

Genesis 3
A Very Bad Day

Genesis 11-13
A Father of Nations

Genesis 3-4
From Bad to Worse

Genesis 15; 17
Let's Make a Deal

Genesis 6-9
Rain, Rain, Go Away

Genesis 18-19
The Judge Judges Justly

Genesis 21-22
It's a Boy!

Exodus 1-3
God Raises Up a Deliverer

Leviticus 16
A Tale of Two Goats

Genesis 25; 27
God's Tricky, Hairy, Blessed People

Exodus 4-15
Free at Last

Numbers 13-14
Big People, Little Faith

Genesis 28; 32
Blessings in the Night

Exodus 19-20
The Way to Stay Free

Numbers 16
You're Not the Boss of Me

Genesis 37; 50
Joseph's Mean Brothers and What God Meant to Do

Exodus 32-34
A Fancy Tent and a Foolish Cow

Numbers 27; 36
The Daughters of Zelophehad

Part 2:

Joshua - Esther

The historical books cover almost a thousand years of history, from the conquest of the Promised Land to the return from exile in Babylon and the building of the second temple. The history of God's people is marked with moments of great faith and triumph and moments of spectactular disobedience and failure. Through it all, God's promises remain true as the Lord prepares His people for the coming of the Snake Crusher.

Joshua 6
The Walls Came Tumbling Down

1 Samuel 1; 3
The Lord's Word and Samuel

1 Kings 3; 11
The Wise and Foolish King

2 Chronicles 34
The Boy Who Sought the Lord

Judges 6-7
The Fight of Gideon and the Flight of Midian

1 Samuel 8-15
The Rise and Fall of King Saul

1 Kings 12
The Kingdom Cracks

2 Chronicles 36
Promises Broken and Promises Kept

Judges 13-16
Samson's Strength

1 Samuel 16-17
David Stands Tall

1 Kings 18
Elijah Proves a Point

Nehemiah 6-8
Walls and Worship

Ruth 1-4
The Girl Who Wouldn't Go Away

2 Samuel 11-12
David Sins...and Repents

2 Kings 5
Grime and Punishment

Esther 1-4
More Than a Pretty Face

Part 3:

Job - Song of Solomon

The Poetical Books in the Old Testament may not look like poetry to us. They don't rhyme, and they contain elements of history, prophecy, and song. But the writing is stylized and contains many of the patterns of poetry.


The five books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon are sometimes called Wisdom Literature. And that fits too. They contain wisdom about suffering, romance, and how to live a life pleasing to God. And of course, the Poetical Books also look forward to the coming of God's Wisdom, the one who doesn't just show the way, but is Himself the way, the truth, and the life.

Job 1
A Hard Life and a Good God

Job 38-42
Cover Your Mouth

Psalm 23
The Lord is My Shephard

Proverbs 1
The Beginning of Wisdom

Part 4:
The Prophets

Isaiah - Malachi

The last major section in the Old Testament consists of the Prophets, which are often divided into Major Prophets and Minor Prophets.


Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel are classified as Major Prophets, not because they are more important or more inspired, but because they are long. The books of the Major Prophets warn God's people of judgement for their sins, while also preaching good news about a deliverance to come.


The Minor Prophets consist of the twelve books from Hosea through Malachi. Since some of the Twelve Prophets are quite short - and all are much shorter than Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel - these last books in the Old Testament are called Minor Prophets. They deal with sin and salvation in Israel, in Judah, and in the time after the exile. The last two books in particular speak often about the Messiah and the coming day of the Lord when God will judge the wicked and save His chosen ones.

Isaiah 6
What Isaiah Saw

Daniel 5
Writing on the Wall

Amos 8-9
Famine and Feast

Jeremiah 1
Jeremiah Against Everyone

Daniel 6
The Miraculous Catnap

Jonah 1-4
Big Fish, Bigger Mercy

Ezekiel 37
The Valley of Dry Bones

Hosea 1-3
A Marriage Made in Heaven

Zechariah 3
A Change of Clothes

Daniel 3
The Fiery Furnace

Amos 5
Let Justice Roll Down

Malachi 3-4
The Great and Awesome Day of the Lord

Part 5:
The Gospels

Matthew - John

Now we come to the second half of the Bible called the New Testament. Actually, this "half" is quite a bit shorter than the first "half", but it represents a new covenant with God's people and the climax of the story that began in the garden. What we saw in shadow and symbols in the Old Testament, we will see in living color in the New Testament.


The word gospel means "good news". The four Gospels in the New Testament tell the good news of Jesus' birth, death, and resurrection. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are not four different stories, but four different angles on the central events of the Biggest Story. That's why the books are not called the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Mark, as if they each had their own good news to share, but the Gospel according to Matthew and the Gospel according to Mark. The four books differ in their style, in their emphases, and in their outlines, but not in the gospel they announce.


Here we meet - in flesh and blood - the long-awaited Prophet, Priest, and King.

Matthew 1
A New Baby and a New Beginning

Matthew 5-7
The Sermon That Was

Mark 4
A Story about Soils

Mark 6
The Voice is Silenced

Matthew 2
Wise Men, Smart Move

Mark 1
Mr. Clean

Mark 4
The Scary Boat Ride

Mark 6
The Happy Meal That Kept on Going

Matthew 16
Confessing Christ

Luke 15
Lost and Found

Luke 19
The King Comes

Mark 14
Everyone Leaves Jesus

Matthew 17
Glory Mountain

Matthew 18
Debts and Debtors

Mark 11
Jesus Cleans House

Mark 15
The Snake Crusher is Crushed for Us

Matthew 3
The Pointer and the Point

Mark 2
Get Up!

Mark 5
Send Us to the Pigs!

Matthew 14
A Walk on the Water

Mark 10
The Kids Can Come Too

Matthew 20
Grumbles and Grace

John 12
A Woman to Be Remembered

Luke 24
Jesus Lives

Matthew 4
The Sin That Wasn't

Mark 3
Follow the Leader

Mark 5
A Sick Woman and a Sad Dad

Mark 7
A Dogged Faith

Luke 10
Who Is My Neighbor?

Luke 19
Little Man, Big Faith

Matthew 26
A Meal for the Ages

Matthew 28
A Mission for the Ages

Part 6:
Acts & Epistles

Acts - Jude

The Gospels are obviously about Jesus - who he was, what he did, and what he taught - but we shouldn't think the rest of the New Testament is about something else. If the Gospels are about what Jesus "began to do and teach", then the Acts of the Apostles are about what Jesus continued to do and teach. The book of Acts is sometimes called a history of the early church. That's true, but it's also a history of what God was doing by the Spirit to proclaim the word around the world.


Most of the books in the New Testament are letters, or what are sometimes called epistles. Most of the letters are from the apostle Paul, but there is also one from James, two from Peter, and three from John. These letters are addressed to specific churches, groups of churches, or church leaders, and they explain what the gospel is, how Christians should live, and how the church should be organized. Because of the Spirit's inspiration, these letters, along with Acts, are every bit as much about Jesus and from Jesus as the sermons and miracles in the Gospels.

Acts 2
The Spirit Comes

Acts 7
Stephen's Speech

Acts 12
Knock Knock, Who's There?

Romans 8
No Nothing

Acts 3
The Beautiful and the Beggar

Acts 8
Philip and the Man from Africa

Acts 16
Paul, Purple Goods, and a Prison Quake

1 Corinthians 13
Love Is

Acts 4
One Name under Heaven

Acts 9
Saul Sees the Light

Acts 17
The God Who Can Be Known

More Than a Slave

Acts 5
The Couple Who Lied and Died

Acts 10
Peter Eats and a Soldier Believes

Acts 27-28
Ships and Snakes and Sermons, Oh My!

James 3
Taming the Tongue

Part 7:

The last book of the Bible - Revelation - is a letter, a prophecy, and an apocalypse. That's a big word, but it just means that Revelation is a book of revealing. It's a book that shows the past, the present, and the future through "pictures" written with words.


Although the book can be confusing, the big idea is simple: God and the Lamb sit on the throne, and those who overcome all the trials and temptations of the world will enjoy eternal life with them in the new heavens and new earth. Revelation focuses our attention on Christ as our conquering King and on the church as his beloved people.

Revelation 1-3
Jesus Writes a Letter

Revelation 4-5
The Center of the Universe

Revelation 20
The Snake Crusher Wins

Revelation 21-22
All Things New

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