Children's Church
Supplemental Materials
From The Beginning to the end, the Gospel Project walks students through the Bible, from Creation to the written revelations. Each step of the way, the materials highlight God's love for His creation, and important Bible figures that paved the way for Jesus and God's message. These supplemental materials come packed in with the lessons taught to your students, helping to review key points learned. These can be viewed and reviewed at your convenience as supplemental materials, or as individual lessons or review if you'd like to learn alongside your student.
Volume 1, Unit 2
CREATION IS RUINED: Everything was perfect when God created it, but it didn't stay that way. Adam and Eve rebelled against God. From that time on, creation was ruined and everyone has been born a sinner. But God would not leave people to remain dead in sin. He would provide the solution for sin: His Son, Jesus Christ.
Volume 1, Unit 3
GOD'S RESCUE PLAN: God's solution for sin, which He promised in Eden, became clearer when God made a covenant with Abraham. God promised to bring the Rescuer through Abraham's family. This family was far from perfect and endured great adversity, but through it all, God remained faithful, revealing nothing could stop His plan.
Volume 2, Unit 4
OUT OF EGYPT: Many years had passed since God used Joseph to rescue His people from a famine by bringing them into Egypt. Now, however, God's people were in bondage and needed to be rescued. God raised up a new rescuer, Moses, to deliver His people out of Egypt and lead them back to the promised land.
Volume 2, Unit 5
INTO THE WILDERNESS: Through a series of miracles, God had delivered His people from bondage in Egypt. The Israelites headed into the wilderness on their way to the land of promise. Their journey, however, was not just to move them from one place to another; it was also to be a time when their hearts were to be moved in worship for their God, their true Rescuer.
Volume 2, Unit 6
AWAY FROM THE LAND: When God's people arrived at the border of the promised land, they did the unthinkable: they disbelieved God's faithfulness and disobeyed His command by refusing to enter. As a result, God forced His people away from the land to wander in the wilderness where they continued in their disbelief and sin against a good, loving, and holy God.
Volume 3, Unit 7
BACK TO THE LAND: When the next generation of God's people, led by Joshua, returned back to the land of Canaan, God reminded them of His promises and that all of His words are true. Joshua and the Israelites would need to remember God's Word, trust it, and live in obedience to it if they were to conquer the land.
Volume 3, Unit 8
INTO THE LAND: Joshua and the Israelites saw God do what teh previous generation had doubted: God went before them into the land and conquered their enemies through His wondrous works. At the end of his days, Joshua challenged the people to remember who God is and what He had done and worship only Him forevermore.
Volume 3, Unit 9
A PATTERN OF DISOBEDIENCE: God's people were in the promised land, but not all was well. Generation after generation continued a pattern of disobedience - a cycle of sin with troubling consequences. Because God is just and holy, He would never allow His people's sin to go unchecked. But because He is also loving and gracious, He would always provide forgiveness of sin through repentance.
Volume 4, Unit 10
KING SAUL: When God's people wanted a king to be like the nations around them, God warned them but gave them what they wanted. King Saul seemed to be the ideal king, but he proved not to be the king the people needed. When Saul sinned against God, God judged him and promised to remove him as king.
Volume 4, Unit 11
KING DAVID: David was an unlikely choice to follow Saul as king, but David's victory over Goliath revealed that God was with him. King David's rule would be better than Saul's, but it was still far from perfect as David committed a series of grievous sins. God, however, was gracious to forgive when David repented.
Volume 4, Unit 12
KING SOLOMON: Although King Solomon was given exceeding wisdom by God and he built the temple for the Lord, like Saul and David before him, his grievous sin proved that God's people needed more than what any human king could provide. While Solomon's sin should have resulted in the entire kingdom being taken away, God was merciful and allowed it to remain.
Volume 5, Unit 13
THE PEOPLE DISOBEY: Solomon's sin of idolatry had led to the kingdom splitting in two. Just as the people were divided against each other, so were they divided against God as they continued to try to worship the one true God along with the false gods around them. As a result, God raised up prophets to speak on His behalf and warn the people to worship Him alone.
Volume 5, Unit 14
WARNINGS TO THE PEOPLE: As God's people continued to rebel against Him, He continued to pursue them. God sent warnings to the people through a series of prophets who pleaded with them to turn from idolatry and turn back to God. God was ready to accept their repentance. But should they continue in their sin, God was ready to judge their rebellion.
Volume 6, Unit 16
IN EXILE: The people were far away from the land God had given them, but they were not far away from the God who had given it. Even in exile, God was with His people watching over them and promising them that one day, they would return to the land, and when they did, they would return to Him as well.
Volume 6, Unit 17
THE PEOPLE RETURN: God's time of disciplining His people had been completed, and true to His word, He returned them to the land of promise. Once there, they began to rebuild the temple - the important reminder that God was with them, that He is faithful, and that He can always be trusted.
Volume 6, Unit 18
THE PEOPLE PREPARE: God had made good on His promise to bring the people back into the land, but they were will waiting on another promise: for God to send the ultimate Rescuer. God's people began to prepare for the Messiah's arrival, but even so, as always, they couldn't escape the allure of sin.
Volume 7, Unit 21
EARLY RESPONSES TO JESUS: As Jesus began His ministry of miracles and teachings, not everyone responded in the same way. Some rejected Jesus outright. Others were amazed by Jesus but didn't understand Him. But some came to place their faith in Him and worship Him for who He is: the Son of God.